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Everything posted by Beee

  1. Beee


    Alice Kollin was born to Johnathan and Maria Kollin in Providence on Almaris. She was their second child and first born girl. She lived an upper class life style due to her fathers wealth as a merchant and received all the finest things in life. Her relationship with her mother was very strong but she always had a strained relationship with her father, who craved a second son. Throughout her childhood she had few friends caused mostly by her snobby attitude and general unkindness. The few friends she did have only stood by her in hopes of financial favor. Her education was that of most noble girls, receiving education in ladies work but also being permitted to learn some of what her older brother did as well. This education was much better than most in her town. At 18 her brother left home to squire for a knight of the Kingdom of Haense leaving Alice as the only child at 15. Alice had few hardships in her life, being sheltered by her mother and kept safe from financial troubles by her father. 6 months ago at the age of 19, her mother caught a deadly illness and died. This left Alice alone with her father who still did not accept her and wished for her to marry a noble man and leave home. Instead of following her fathers wishes she decided to leave home and cut all ties with her family in search of a new life of adventure.
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