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Everything posted by jaba246

  1. jaba246


    Henc is a high elf that hails from the forests near Haense in Almaris, his family not wanting to live in the nation of Haelun'or because of the bad weather and loud streets. His family was not very wealthy, what money they make going into the family ale business. As Henc got older he realised that he should help support this so worked in the tavern with his uncle Petior. After a long time and many years of sweeping floors and other tasks he became a practised brewer making strong beers for sale at markets. When he was a teenager he learned that his uncle had died while venturing to get more hops from the city, killed by Ferrymen that mistook his uncle for a Sutican during the Southern Rebellion. Now sixteen he had to take over the family business with his uncle gone. Henc had been close to his uncle so the death impacted him greatly. With this great loss he decided to head from Haense to go to Sutica to pay respects for his uncle at his final resting place. Henc chose to rent up a small hut there and try to make his uncle proud.
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