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Everything posted by FroggyVibez_1

  1. FroggyVibez_1


    his grandmother knew magic, but died while giving birth to Aldon's dad, Arwynn. Therefore hated the grandfather magic since he thought it was the reason his loved one died. Arwynn ran away from home and created a house far away in the woods, where he met Aldon's mother, Astra. They soon got a child and named it Aldon, after Astra's dead brother. When he became 8 years old, his father passed out and Aldon ran down to the basement to get his medicine. While searching, he found enormous spiders eating rats and he screamed at the top of his lungs. The spiders saw him and started walking towards him, while he rushed to the door and started banging on the door, hoping someone could hear him. Then his dad woke up and quickly opened the door where Aldon fell on the ground, after this incident they started homeschooling him, keeping an eye out for him at all time. Then he became 10 and his father started telling stories, like how he went through the Verge and explored the realm, even though it may have been a lie, Aldon loved it. When Aldon became 13 his father died and his mom had to take care of Aldon after that. When he became 15, he found Arwynn's old magic books with all of his stories and adventures. Aldon grabbed the books and hid them under his bed. When Aldon was 18 years old, his mother waved him goodbye and he left his house, together with alot of books and food.
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