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Baby Blve

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Everything posted by Baby Blve

  1. Baby Blve


    Arkaan was born near Talons port, his father Argon raised him as his mother had died during childbirth. His father ran a Tavern, so throughout his whole childhood, Arkaan was hearing stories of mysterious and magical creatures, quests, and items. Through his adolescence, Arkaan tried to find magic everywhere, searching where he could, but although he could find strange happenings and tales, he never saw anything conclusive. Arkaan noticed his father become restless as the years went on, but one morning he left without a word. Tales came back through the tavern about a year later with word that Argon had been killed by none other than the most fearsome creature in his stories, the Dragon. Arkaan now grows restless to leave the tavern he now works in. He wants to see the world and gain trophies and stories, just as his father did.
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