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Everything posted by Sunjayhop

  1. Sunjayhop


    Aleksanteri was born to a slightly "wealthy" peasant family some distance North of Varhelm, his mother unfortunately had perished in childbirth. Raised in a relatively self contained environment in the tundratic North, he learned about key needs of survival: cycles of fishing, hunting, farming during the summer, and then back to hunting and fishing. One of the main tools of his family was a small traditional knife which was used for anything from skinning an animal to cutting off chunks of wood from trees. "Educated" by his father Hamo, Aleksanteri learned some basic ideas behind "economics" namely the concepts of barter and trade. Beyond his education and grueling tasks, he spent time with his brother Jalo. The two of them would engage in minor "skirmishes" with one another as a form of play, typically they were fought with snowballs. Aleksanteri's family lived with 10 other families in a small settlement. Among this group he had found a rival, another boy by the name of Kustaa. Him and Kustaa would skirmish in a much more hostile way then when he was with his brother. Typically these fights resulted in actual harm being dealt to one another. As these skirmishes became more and more common between the two, especially as they aged. Hamo faced more and more pressure from Kustaa's family, one which was more "wealthy" than Aleksanteri's own. By the time he grew up, the pressure was too great, and Hamo was forced to send Aleksanteri off, but not without what was thought to be enough food and supplies to go farther south and make a living for himself.
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