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Everything posted by CaptDamian

  1. CaptDamian


    From the beginning of his birth Arnar and his brother Jared Celebrethor were considered miracles born into a family of merchants of Adunians, Both of the boys during their time of growing up they had been taught the ways of becoming merchants, while learning from their tough traditional father, Nodir. But Arnar never grew up as loved by his father like Jared, as he was brutally beaten and considered a disgrace to the Adunian race, as he Arnar wasn't great in learning the traditions of bowie culture, he was never great at hunting, or foraging, in fact he was terrible at aiming a bow. The only thing he was good at was holding a blade and was always be determined (from his mother Olthril) and his stubbornness (from his father Nodir). The only people that had treated Arnar well was his brother Jared and mother Olthril, who had always taught him to hold his true family close, and to take care of those that are weak. Throughout the years Arnars father had become more and more different from the once glorious man that he was many decades ago, and continued to beat Arnar and always came home with a new scar. At age 16 Arnar and Jared were close to the end of the 17th winter, and Arnar was considered the youngest as he was born only a few minutes before Jared, and was to be given all of their land and titles. And because Nodir was sick and had no way of overcoming the sickness, and build up of hate and disguised for Arnar, Nodir had attempted to kill the boy in his sleep; until his mother came to stop him as she had entered the room. And in an act of anger and violence... Arnar and Jared's mother had been killed. And it was in this moment Jared had came in to witness this, and Arnar in an act of rage took the blade from his mothers heart and killed his own father. Arnar and his twin brother had fled their home and decided to live their own life, carrying only coin, bows, blades and the only good memories that they carried from that home, from learning songs and tales from their mother, to only having each other. He and his brothers have gone through hell, living in the slums for years. Eventually they had learned how to survive, met new allies that taught them many lessons, such as basics of blacksmith, how to survive in the wild, ways to fight better with a bow and blade, having basic education, and even creating more charisma for themselves. Arnar eventually had earned himself the nickname "The Devoted" because of how how loyal he is to those in need. Although Arnar isn't the most phyisically gifted or smartest fighter, he has the determination to get where he wants, and what he wants, is to build up a greater name for his family. Now Arnar and his brother wish to align themselves with the best situation that they learn and see.
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