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Everything posted by Degami

  1. This man is poggers as well!!!


  2. Degami


    Lloyd Hoffman was born in the Adunian Town of Brom'ka. Ever since he was born, he was a lively individual and made friends with many of the villagers. As he was young, his parents died during adventure so he doesn't remember them. Ever since then he has been living with a family friend and his master, Xander. He has an average education and was learning how to be better at combat. He enjoyed the life he had in the town. He spent his time helping out his fellow villagers and learning under his Xander. Xander was strong, confident, brave, and kind. Lloyd admired him most out of everyone in the village and aspired to be like him. He life was very good until "The Freezing of Brom'Ka". Lloyd was out training late at night when he noticed the Dark Scourages attacking Brom'ka. He fought hard and tried his best to protect his home and the people he cared for. Unfortuately, he was was taken over by them and was about to be killed. Xander came in to save him and held off the guards, so Lloyd could escape. Once Lloyd was in the clear, he promised he would run as well. He didn't want to flee; he would rather fight by Xander's side until the end. In the end he decided to honor his master's wishes and fled the scene. As he ran, he tried drowned out the sounds of Xander slowly being taken down by the gauntlet of Dark Scourge forces. He wanted to believe in Xander, he wanted to think that Xander would come out fine. He part of him knew that Xander was going to be overrun and die. He was too caught up in this and as he ran towards the bridge that was destroyed and fell into the rivers below. He woke up unaware of the past night as the stress of the situation caused him to suppress his memories of the life he once knew. He then wandered across the land with loose knowledge about the world and even himself. The one of the only things he remembered was that his name was Lloyd. One day, Serena Elowyn and Andelion Evinyatar helped Lloyd in a dispute with some orcs. Lloyd was very thankful for this and has felt safer with them. He later decided to move in with them at Elysium.
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