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Everything posted by StarlightNEO

  1. StarlightNEO


    Born in a tight-nit town in the Oren empire, Nair grew up to adore writing for her family and her friends. After coming of age, Nair traveled often to study various races and empires to write of, and to spread her own name. She gained a modest following, releasing papers and books and sharing them with the locals of her current abode, and encouraging her followers to share her name wherever they went. At the age of 24, she got stuck in Norland during the start of the Skanarri War. During her time there, she was hired under contract to write propaganda pieces for Norland. This is where her persuasive muscles were flexed the most, rallying support of the people during their time of crisis. Living off of that income for many years (as she kept renewing the contracts), she felt as if she was in a ditch in her life, not exactly going anywhere. So after her current contract expired, she emigrated from Norland to spread her word further, with many years of propaganda writing under her belt. This is where our story begins...
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