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Everything posted by Cookielock

  1. Cookielock


    well I lived in a small town, it wasn't like too poor but also not very expensive. I was living with my mom alone. what about dad ? after child was born, "father" was too scared to tell that he want a divorce so just runned away. It was a nice life, I had some friends , some plans already, but no day.. I was coming back from market with food and medicine for my mother cus she was sick that day.It wasn't been a close market there was a long journey from market to house.I was just following the road in the swamp when from nowhere tree fell down before me, scared I turned back and then I saw him.. a little taller then me entirly in black clothes , couldn't even see his face, "do you want to become that tree ?" said with voice full of anger. Scared took fast some mud and throw it at him and runned away but no matter where I runned he was before me, even more mad he screamed "if you like that mud so much why won't you become one ?". It was so fast I didn't even had chance to react. I woke up on the road , no fallen tree. I though it was a dream haha.. then I tried to touch my face. My hand was like a mud, Mud I was sleeping on become a little part of my skin, and that how first curse came in, later that day . Don't even gonna say how everyone react.. let's just say no friend, my mother stopped looking at me, no more plans just death, I found nothing about that crazy guy, for 10 years was trying to find something about him and found nothing. one night I was coming back to house when from nowhere I got hitted by some magic attack in the eye. It appears it was some magic students messing around..well it would be messing if not the fact whatever he did it didn't took off me for like 8 more years and also I lost a eye bc of that... These students at least are out of the magic school. it appers it's some kind of magic mark on my face that I think might growing.. well I can do nothing about it else then magic. So that's mine plan is to learn magic and to help people out.
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