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  1. ophfifi


    Catori was born into a rich family. Her parents died when she was very young but she always remembered how her mother often told her that the "deer woman" gifted Catori to her when she was not able to have children but Catori knew these were just stories. As she grew up she began taking on more responsibilities in her home and caught the eye of many of the noble boys. One day her older brother called for her and told her that she was to be married to a rich man who would help their family rise. Catori could not believe what she was hearing. She was just a young girl of 19 who enjoyed playing and adventuring, she was not ready to be married. Catori ran from her home and into the woods, in hopes she would never be found. After days of walking aimlessly through the woods with barley any food Catori was ready to give up. She sat herself against a tree and looked up into the sky. she remembered the story of the the Old Man, known as Waziya, who lived beneath the earth with his wife, and they had a daughter. Their daughter married the wind and had four sons: North, East, South, and West. The sun, moon and winds then ruled the universe together. This story soothes Catori and soon she awoke to the sound of footsteps. Out of the brush came an old woman. She helped Catori up and brought her back to her small home hidden within a ridge. After bathing and a good meal the old woman blessed Catori and sent her one her way with a bundle of food. Catori looked at the road ahead of her and wondered where she would be taken next.
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