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Avery Parch

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Everything posted by Avery Parch

  1. Avery Parch


    I was born in the holy orenian empire in 15 S.A. My dad was a fisherman who had to fight. During the rebellion he died by being stabbed in the chest with a spear. I never knew my dad growing up but I knew he left me his small boat. Once I was 16 I went on the boat and it was the best feeling of my life. I decided to save up and buy a small vessel in 37 S.A. My crew was three of my friends and two sailors I hired: Georgie, Theodemar, Elyon, Thragrin and Kirkwell. I sailed Beatrice (my vessel) for 10 years until one foggy day when i crashed into a rocky shore and lost the ship. Know I spend all my money on drinks. I never save nowadays.
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