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Everything posted by Domiocus

  1. Domiocus


    Dom was born in Principality of Savoy. He lived on a farm with his mother and father who were serfs. He would help on the farm but overall felt the tasks mundane. His father couldn't afford much for Dom, but words were free and so he would make up stories and every night he would tell them Dom. Dom's eyes would light up as his father went into great detail about legendary heroes accomplishing exciting feats and Dom would savor each word he spoke. It was good fun for his father to make up these stories, however Dom became obsessed with the made up heroes. Dom wanted to be just like them and thought there was no reason that they should be doing all this labor when they could be out their adventuring and so began shirking his responsibilities. When his father caught wind of this they got into a fight. His father told him that the stories were fun and all, but they are just stories. He told Dom that the world was unforgiving and that he should focus on his responsibilities and obligations to his family. Dom wouldn't listen, he was determined that he could be a hero and so in the middle of the night he took all the money that had saved up and left the farm. He quickly began to regret his decision as he didn't know where to start or even how to be a hero. The guilt started to set in as he realized he had robbed his family of all their hard work. He considered returning to the farm, but he couldn't. The look on his father's face after Dom's betrayal, his mother probably heart-broken, it would be too much. He thought the only way he could make it right is finding away to free his family from poverty. Only then could he return and so he marched on searching for an opportunity to fix his mistake.
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