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Everything posted by Bloxxer14

  1. Bloxxer14


    I was born in the holy Oren empire, I can't remember exactly what happened. but I was baptized in a river due to my parents being Christian, their names were Bjorn and Harriet. I had one sibling who was 5 years older than me her name was Sarah. After I was baptized in the river, I was told that in the beginning there was nothing. Until a deity named God appeared which created everything. When I was 7 I was educated about science, since my parents thought I would be good at that. I made a friend named Lara when I was in a school for science. When I was 8 years old me, my sister, and parents went kayaking in the same river I was baptized in, it was pretty fun. When I was 14, I developed a fear of forgetting, because I was forgetting almost everything from my previous years. nowadays it's my biggest fear. When I was 16 I started studying science more, because I fell in love with the subject when I was 9. nowadays I study it less often. When I was 18 I fell in love with my friend Lara, we went on our first honeymoon when I was 20, I am now married to her. When I was 22 we started a family. And that's my life so far.
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