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  1. MrWoke999


    Hanzo lived a decent childhood his parents were adventures an he never stayed in one spot. Hanzo was taught how to read an write when he was 5 years old by his parents. A few months past an one day hanzo was left in the wood by his parents an they said "we don't want you anymore your a failure so farewell" Hanzo ran away from his parents deeper into the woods crying. Hanzo ran across a shed an a nice man came out an ask him where is your parents Hanzo said while crying "they said they didn't want me anymore an said I was a failure an ran me off" the man was shocked an said Hanzo could live with him. A few years later Hanzo's new father taught him to read an write better an cook an how to hunt. A few months later Hanzo an his new father went out on a adventure an he taught him to do good things an help people an it might have a good out come. After their adventure the went home an pack up an moved to a small plot in the woods an started a farm Hanzo realized he likes farming an had a new hobby. The day of Hanzo' 18th birthday his father gave him a dark red coat as a parting gift an Hanzo smiled an said "thank you father it means a lot" Hanzo hugged him an started to cry his father said "its ok to cry its a big moment in your life an I know you'll do great things" he said with a big smile on his face Hanzo stop hugging his father an they both ate dinner an Hanzo left to go on his own adventure alone with out his father. A year later on Hanzo's 19th birthday he painted a picture an brought it to his father's cabin an left there for him with a letter that said "hello father it me Hanzo I wanted to paint you a picture for my gratitude" an Hanzo left to go adventure again. During his adventure he learned about a war between The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and a War Nation of Krugmar. Hanzo was very intrigued about the war and wanted to learn more about it.
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