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Everything posted by Lorisa_Riverfoot

  1. A simple upbringing but a meaningful one... Lorisa grew up in a small fishing village named the Village of Dour. A small Halfling and Forest Dwarf village that lived peacefully. The hopeful Halfling would learn to fish in her early years and even forage for mushrooms and berries in the safety of the surrounding forests. Often when the youthful Halfling wandered out she would wonder what it was like outside her village... She had heard of the many great cities out there she wished to explore eventually... But would she? She had been sitting in this village for her life. It was decided then that when Lorisa became an adult around the age of thirty... That she would make her way out into the world. During this wait she learned basic herbal medicine using mushrooms and certain plants that grew around her home. Making sure she had a skill to offer when she got to the more civilized world outside. When the young Lorisa grew just a bit more taller and a little more wiser she finally reached that adulthood she had wanted. It was time! The Village of Dour which had only grew a little in the past years threw a celebration for the young adult Halfling bringing up her spirits! The Halfling drank and ate all night as music played from a few locals that knew their way around an instrument they inherited from family. But as the hour grew later Lorisa retired to her small cottage on a riverbank falling to her slumber. Only to be awoken by a rooster's call and the sun shining through her windows. she got up and packed a small bag to bring with her. Filled with basic meat jerky, salted fish, whole grain bread, and a waterskin filled by a local spring. On her side laid leather book holder that held a journal and large quill from a hawk. It was the day indeed... The hopeful half-folk took up her supplies and marched outward onto the road leading from her village...t Her path took her through the lands of the Dwarves. The Kingdom of Urguan where she stopped off to learn a bit about the culture slowly making her way through the lands. But learning some of the tales spouted by the fellow short-folk. They gave her insight on trading and the value of stone and ore. Their culture was rich but she did not have time to stop there forever. Eventually she waved farewell to the last tavern she stayed at for the night before heading northward! She had heard that there was a sprawling Empire known as Oren she was curious about! Perhaps that is where her next journey should take her?
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