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  1. NerdyRift


    Xaphie was a very weak elf as a kid and would often hang around with some of the stronger kids so that they could protect him from anything luckily there was nothing to get protected from even though his friend where strong they kept getting hurt by ants these little creatures kept on attacking Xaphie and his friends these ants once they where done with his friends left blisters all over their bodys this caused Xaphie to gain a fear for ants now to even this day he would never go near ant. At the age of 12 Xafie and his parents were in a place near Adria that didn't allow elf's when they tried to flee they were ambushed by a group of humans that massacred his parents, family and friends. his parents hid him inside a hollow tree once he left the tree he had found the corpses of everything he loved. Since then he has worshiping in the massacre like a religion and has been scavenging for anything he could get his hands on he worked not with a blade but with the weapon of a sharp tongue he has heard tales of a powerful necromancer and since then he has been looking everywhere for them he has moved down to the holy orenian empire to seek this.
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