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  1. SkyeDaPenguin


    Her entire life she's wanted to be a hero. she was abandoned by her parents at a young age though. she had no-one to teach her. then an elf found her wandering in a forest. he asked her what happened, and she said she had no home and no family, but she wanted to be a hero. the elf then taught her how to be a hero. at age 15 she began looking around for a kingdom that wanted a soldier but they all said girls cant be hero's. so she was lonely for 3 whole years. at age 18 a kingdom finally took her in with hospitality and taught her some more. The kingdom went in to war they said they needed her out on the battleground so she went. They won the war with her and many others help, she was very happy. Then one day she said she wanted to move to another kingdom and they respected that and that is how she is here today. She follows the Red Faith
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