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  1. DunkyHunky


    Ruskemon was born in Brandybrook and left home at the age of 24 when his mother died of unknown causes on a trip. He's been set out on his way to the Holy Orenian Empire since to start anew. As a child he would help his sickly mother carry out chores and help her with daily needs. This resulted in his lack of maturity, while independent he wasn't exactly taught proper manners or how to socialize, he wasn't taught not to talk to strangers. While not exactly the most knowledgeable fighter he is certainly courageous, although completely and entirely unjustified. When he was kid he killed his first animal, the second animal he encountered, a bear almost mauled him to death however he got it in the eye with a dagger and made it out with a broken arm. At 17 he made his first friend Neo, who he doesn't speak with much anymore. Neo was a brilliantly intelligent halfling with the brainpower of 10 halflings, Neo branched off when Ruskemon was 20, while the two were on good terms it is unlikely that they will meet again. For the most part in the modern day Ruskemon is entirely alone, however very outgoing. He's excited to be able to meet new people at his destination.
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