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  1. beeeeeeny


    Alf's life could be described in a few words. Mellow, easy-going, and stressful. Alf has struggled to keep up with the expectations of his parents, and it didn't help that he was always being outshone at every single aspect of skill by his brother, Valazaer. Born into two unlucky High Elves at the same time as his twin brother. The boy grew up alongside him in the outskirts of the Elveness before it had been destroyed in a fiery inferno by the dragon. Alf and his brother were sent to an Elf oriented school where they picked up their skills in life. While Val was passing every class with flying colors, Alf continued to struggle as his brother shadowed him, being bested in the likes of art, literature, mathematics, philosophy, and worst of all, journalism. After some time, their parents decided to send them off to different institutions to better develop their own strengths and abilities. Val being sent to one with outgoing and intelligent, rabble rousing men of science while Alf was sent to a more.. quiet and reserved camp. Alf bettered himself in terms of his social skills, and allowed his love of botany to flourish. After that, Alf's parents decided to send them to Haelun'or-in, for their continued development in the cleansing of their impurities.
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