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Everything posted by Naporeon

  1. Sorry for the late post I, but absolutely if you and @SuperKeziak still want to, post your Discord and I will add you. If you know anyone who would be interested, I would love for them to join as well.
  2. Keziak accepted. Check the Discord.
  3. Albus Rus 1931, the world economy has yet to recover from the recession of 1929 and the effects of it are felt across the globe. Many have lost their jobs, investments, and had to pawn-off their luxuries. The U.S.A. and U.K., the leading world economies, continue to do what they can to stop the depression to no avail. The awful conditions spurred-on by market failure have been detrimental for people across the world. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m9ZQf1eEEO6o2ApoCc7EHhoX148qmiu7CM-gz6C7MKc/edit?usp=sharing Please refer to this document for more information. Rules Applications and role play posts may be submitted either through the forums or Discord. An online document (Google Docs, etc.) is preferred. A role play post is expected every week, and a moderator post will provide the results of moderated actions. The moderator post should be released on Sunday unless all players’ posts are submitted before Saturday. Each post will represent six months of time, and the role play will begin in the spring/summer of 1931. Actions which are to be moderated should be marked as such. Intra-player diplomacy does not need to be moderated, but any decisions (alliances, treaties, etc.) are subject to events by the moderator. Feel free to add flavour in your post through images, text, etc. A twenty-sided die will be used to determine the outcome of actions. The number of actions taken will also affect this, so don’t overload your post unless you believe your country is capable of taking all of the moderated actions. Each country may perform one research action per turn. Major countries (UK, USA, France-Spain (both), Italy, Russia, Germany, Japan) will begin with two. These may be increased through actions, and technologies may be shared between countries. War outcomes will take into account the players’ chosen strategy, tactics, technology, population, industrial capacity, and equipment. Specific solutions may be made if players wish to roleplay the campaigns in a timely manner. Secret actions may be made, and should be sent directly to the moderator via instant messaging or email. Any action, including research and warfare, may be made secretly. Application Your nation of choice and its back story. Feel free to make this as detailed as you wish, but try to keep it at least two paragraphs. Dates have not been mentioned to allow more player freedom. A flag to represent your nation. Discord username and any other means of communication which you deem necessary. Feel free to invite others to the role play so long as they submit an application. Major Nations U.K. U.S.A. Germany Russia (Reserved) Italy Franco-Spanish Communists Franco-Spanish Exiles Japan
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