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About SeriousNip

  • Birthday 12/17/1999

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  1. SeriousNip


    Titus is a young human born in Haense. He is the son of Marcus and Diana. His mother Diana died while giving birth to Titus and he grew up only with his father. He led a normal life playing with kids all day until he was 5 years old. One day when coming home he found his father lying on the ground, not breathing. When he saw his father dead he didn't know what to do so he ran to his best friend's house where he seeked shelter and lived there up until he was 15. While living with his friend he didn't really get any education and was never introduced to religion so he is not very smart, but he is inteligent and can somewhat tell when people are trying to fool him. When he reached the age of 15 he was kicked out not knowing why and became the aprentice of a blacksmith, learning all there is to know about making weapons and armor. When he finished his aprenticeship he left Haense and started his journey towards Oren and now looks for a blacksmith to work for.
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