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  1. palescale


    Amanita was born in an unknown land where her parents left her. Her mother, being an elf, thought she wouldn't have to worry about having children. However, Amanita was born by accident. Amanita was raised by a family friend, but died from illness when Amanita was 9. Because of this, she raised herself. She taught herself to read, write, sew, cook, and farm. As she got older, the urge to explore became harder to resist. So, with some friends, she sailed across the ocean. But, her friends passed. This made her the only one to land onto the land of Almaris. The flora was unique here, she decided to study it. Common plants she knew weren't here. A few she picked to keep and study, like the Diddyfunkles, seemed to be a bad idea to touch. Though she liked the new flora, some of it seemed more dangerous and mysterious. So, she decided her life here would be studying alchemy and the new world around her. She also wanted to learn the culture, and possibly the religions. After all, she wants to learn.
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