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Everything posted by SarahFromProm

  1. SarahFromProm


    After being created by Willaim Malone, M0LLy was placed in a situation with real people in an attempt to see if they could blend in with said real people. After being pointed out as being unusual in these situations time and time again, M0LLy figured it would be best to attempt to kill the suspecting humans one by one before anyone could call M0LLy out. William saw this as impressive and sent M0LLY off to run trades, seeing that M0LLy could handle himself. After their 7th trade, the receiving customer of a trade at the time ( Anthony Adler), saw more in M0LLy than just a trade donkey. So he set M0LLy out on manhunts alongside with Williams trading missions. William eventually found out about the shenanigans, paying M0LLy to kill Anthony, once Anthony had found out about William's contract, ironically, Anthony's final contract was to kill William. Once both M0lly’s masters had passed, they wandered the country taking odd murder jobs where they could. M0LLys latest contract was a trial to see if they could blend in and pass as human, bringing M0LLY full-circle to their starting past. Unknowingly, the man that had sent M0LLy on their last contract (Terry Castle), was murdered, leaving M0LLy thinking they still under contract. Now M0LLy follows a deadmans commands not knowing his contract is no more, attempting to pass as human until they find out about their contract givers death. Who knows what will happen once M0LLy finds out.
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