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    Elrand Caeldar
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  1. Paštika


    Born into a family of hunters in little village in The Princedom of Elvenesse, Elrand was tought a lot about hunting and archery. His father Desel started teaching him when he was 6 years old because Elrand was asking him for a long time so he agreed. He fell in love with archery and was always fascinezed by how good his father was with bow. He was about 8 years when he stated his goal and since then he trained like mad, helped his father setting traps in the forest and go with him hunting. They lived happy family life until Elrand was 14 years old. His family and the whole village had to face pack of Ker wolves. At that time Elrand's mother Aredhel was pregnat, so she hid in chapel with other villigers that could not fight. That day Elrand's father was badly injured, but if Elrand was few seconds faster he could have saved his father, he felt like failure. He never forgot that day. Since that day he had to do most of the work as a hunter. His father could set up traps but could not really hunt, so he studied herbs and after about a half a year he opened herbarium. After another month Elrand's mother gave birth to a girl, Elrand's little sister and named her Luthien. Since then Elrand's lived common life of a elven hunter. Helped to stabilize his family and village and sometimes when villagers wanted to help escort a caravan to a nearest town he would go with them and buy books about archery. Sometimes he even participed in archery tournaments whitch he almost always win. Years passed and Elrand grew older and stronger. When he was 18, he told his father that when he turns 20 he will go on a journey to fullfil his dreams and desires. His father told Elrand that he did enought for him and the village, so he is already proud of him and he supported him to go on his journey. Elrand's mother was not really that exiced about it, but after a while she gave him her aproval. When that day came, Luthien was really sad that her big brother was leaving, but they promised that they will meet again. And so he set on his journey.
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