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Everything posted by allieee

  1. allieee


    Astrid Brand is an Impulsive young women. She is the daughter of the chief. Her mother passed when she was very little of disease along with her unborn sibling. She has an older brother Atreus. They have been competing since Astrid could walk. They both yearn for their fathers position practicing each day day and night trying to prove their worth. Astrid had never made time for being social besides the arguments with her brother so she has little friends. She gets timid every time someone tries to speak to her scared of what they might say. She is a very strong young women but when it comes to people she cannot hold it together she is better with a sword in her hand and a shield in the other. She has always worn the cloak her mother used to wear as when she died her father gave it to her saying it would always protect her "even in the darkest times". She never truly knew what it meant but she always liked to think her mother would watch over her though. She always believed respect is earned not given so she never truly had faith in the church because in her eyes all god had done was take her mom from her. She was seen as odd in her village for never showing to church which terrified her even more from the judgment of people but nothing terrified her more than her dad seeing her as weak. She swore from the moment she could even speak she would never be weak. What will happen as she grows up, only time knows......
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