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Hogan Durkinn

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Everything posted by Hogan Durkinn

  1. Hogan Durkinn


    Hogan Durkinn was born to a loving mother and father in the humble village of Grovenshade. As he grew, he became enthralled in public fights, especially those that ended in a handshake and comradery. The people who shared those experiences motivated Hogan to follow the same path. He trained under various masters until he learned every style of suplex, piledriver, and powerbomb. He made several long-lasting friends going from show to show, and made sure to at the very least become acquainted with all who performed alongside him. He wasn't formally educated during his upbringing, but he's gleaned a little about a lot from the vast plethora of characters he's met. He returned home on his 20th birthday to challenge the champion of his village. He dethroned him after a 7 year long reign, and has carried the pristine Grovenshade Wrestling Championship title belt for 12 years following. Not one has given him a run for his money. He's even met a Bohra. He is 32 now.
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