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  1. Drewl


    From birth, Drewl was shunned. His taller stature made him an outcast as he grew, but his birth to an outsider family marked him for unfortune early on. Or so he would have been, had his house not been ransacked and destroyed by a ferocious and powerful 'wandering beast'. Drewl lived with a small sect that traced its lineage and culture through a tradition of bark tablet heirlooms depicting each family's history. These families formed a sect that valued sedentary closeness with nature and worship of Cernunnos's ultimate gift, death; such a lifestyle promoted loneliness and long terms of unmoving contemplative meditation, a fairly taboo worship and style. Due to this lifestyle, nobody found Drewl for days after the attack, at the time of the attack on his house, Drewl was 13, unable to defend himself or his home, the village found him kneeling in the home curled and muttering, covered in blood, and unable to speak for several weeks, Once he was verbal, Drewl couldn't recall anything before leaving the house with the villagers that day, and whispers and rumors grew until the whole village held a fear or contempt for the boy. Living with his father's brother's family, he grew up distant and shunned even by his new housemates. Once he reached 18, Drewl decided to become a grave keeper, preferring to help the quiet and unjudging dead than face the cruel reality of social politics. Working with the corpses helped curb his anger and resentment towards his people, but death has odd effects on the living... Before he left his village, Drewl stopped by the ruins of his old house one last time. Approaching the doorway, he stopped to examine a flower he almost crushed on the way. "Nothing in this world ever blooms..." He muttered, before stomping the flower and turning around to begin his own life.
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