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  1. AngelSoot


    Elion’s parents were a high elf named Synthia and a wood elf named Korel. In the beginning of Asulon when the plague broke out, Synthia was pregnant with Elion so they fled from The Capital of Malinor to the nation; The Crown Of Elvenesse. They decided to live on the outskirts in the nearby woods to avoid the plague. They decided to stay and raise their daughter there inside a cottage. When Elion was old enough to walk and talk Synthia had taught her how to read and write all the way up until she matured. Along with teaching her how to make her own clothes as Synthia worked as a seamstress. During this period Korel had taught her how to hunt, craft weapons like bows and spears, fish, etc. They wanted to give her the best life possible and be able to survive on her own. Despite Synthia teaching Elion the basics and some extra things her mother took her to the nation’s school. (after the plague had ended) Although Elion’s life had been incredibly lonely, she had no siblings or friends. Even when she was schooled she wasn’t able to make any friends. This has made her extremely attached to people she considers close or even regularly talks to. This can lead to her being very possessive and jealous for future reference. After Elion had turned nineteen she had thought it was about time to live on her own. This saddened her parents but she had promised to see them again. Now she’s exploring the lands and hoping to find a propitious life.
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