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  1. ItsGrimreaper4


    Xyren was born as an only child in Oren to a caring middle-class family. His father was a blacksmith and his mother a librarian. Xyren had always admired those who had traveled outside of the empire's limits and explored the outer world. Unfortunately, his father would soon fall to sickness and would be bedridden. The man who would be normally described as outgoing and hardy was now weak, timid, and frail. By now Xyren was about to turn 15, and had started to take on odd jobs such as cleaning large city stables and herding cattle. His mother was at first disapproving of him starting physically demanding work at a young age but their living situation had to be helped. By age 19 he was ready to do something different with his life and when he saw flyers for applications for working in the army, it was obvious to him what he should do. When he had first started his training with a sword he far from the best, despite this he persisted and would become skilled in the art of swordsmanship. With his job in the army, he was able to pursue his dreams of adventure quite a bit. As they would patrol, fight battles, and all of the such, he was able to see many different places and people which would build onto his knowledge. As of now he is currently traveling with the army and has been leading a fulfilling life.
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