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  1. SpAwN


    BIO He was born on 6th year of Second Age. He doesn't know the exact date because his parents never told him nor tried to remember. He got 2 older brothers he never knew. They were serving under kings banner while Nelson was just a baby. Sometimes he tries to remember their faces and voices but he can't. His parents raised him as decent farmer boy. His town is very close to northern border. There were lots of soldiers passing by that got his attention. Sometimes he fed their horses, sometimes he sold food to them. That was the best moments of his days in his god forgotten village. He always though about enlisting so he can see interesting places, meet with new people other than old people in his village. When he hit 15, he started to understand the world a bit more. He learned that his parents never cared about him and they never will because 2 of his brothers got drafted. His village is full of old people because kings vassal always drafts people from his town because it's close to border. His parents knew they'll come for Nelson. They didn't wanted to get attached to him. Nelson never liked his village but he started to understand he might miss it one day. He started to train archers. Tried to hunt small games. Sometimes passing by soldiers helped him with his archery and sword skills. His parents were big followers of the Red Faith. He never understood that. But he had to go masses so to keep his parents happy. He was 21 while soldiers came. His parents didn't even shed tears. He was angry and relieved at the same time. He wanted to get out of that forgotten place. He was sent to northern border just like his brothers. After seing the border, he wanted to get back. It was such a terrific and cold place even for a Highlander. There was always wounded soldiers screaming for help and smell of the rotten bodies. He understood that his childhood dream was a nightmare. Soldiers that drinks in his towns tavern were false idols. He never slept peacefuly. He always got up early. Trained with his sword so he might get promoted to kings guard one day. He saw 2 major battles while he was in army. He got wounded in the last one left him with big scar on his back. After getting back on his feet, he was discharged from his military duty. After that he wanted to get back home. But he knew that if he gets back there, he'll never be happy man. He'll never be remembered just like his brothers. So he decided to seek his faith and fortune somewhere else. This is how Nelson started his journey.
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