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Father RIP

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    Father LIFE#5587
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    Bulaa Urzoth
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  1. Father RIP


    CHILDHOOD Bulaa was a very ambitious young girl from a young age she was fascinated with the world and it inhabitants so much so when she was only 12 she started to wander from her nameless tribe taking trips close to civilization. Her father a Warrior of the tribe wanted to know she would always be safe knowing that she frequently took trips outside there tribe, since his wife passed away giving birth to little Bulaa he decided to train her as a Warrior for the tribes. So to give Bulaa a sense of purpose he gave her a warriors battle axe and told her to train to become a Warrior if you want to explore you must be able to protect yourself and others. And with that she started training day after day with this axe. At first it was so heavy she had a hard time swinging it, but over time she managed to swing this axe like her life depended on it. TEENAGE YEARS After a very long time Bulaa finally thought she was ready to take the warriors initiative, the test that would prove that she can fight and protect. But what she didn't know was she was to fight her father. See her father was the head Warrior of the tribe, meaning any new warrior's had to be tested by him. She got herself ready dawning her axe, then it begun… with the sounds of clashing steel and grunts of pain Bulaa barely won the fight both her and her father took this very seriously ending in them both being badly injured but treatable the were both carried to there villages shaman and healed, when she awoke she noticed her tusk was pierced meaning she was now a village Warrior at the age of 20. She did it, now she could travel the world! She happily gathered what she would need then said her goodbyes to her village. And with that she finally started her journey.
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