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  • Character Name
    Darius Kori Fulton
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  1. Cran


    Darius Fultonus Was born to a travelling tribe of what is refered to as Farfolk. His tribe was one of nomads, travelling the land as they did not have an alliance to any one nation. When Humanity first arrived, his tribe took to the land, never truly settling as the original lands of the Fultonus is unknown. All that is known of the Fultonus clan is that no matter where races of the world have gone, The Fultonus are always nomads, travelling the lands. For the majority of Darius's life, he lived a rather normal life, travelling the world with his tribe of about 20 individuals. During his life, he was taught the history of the world as far as his clan had known, the names of the different kingdoms. Throughout his life until his 24th Birth year, He would travel with his clan, getting to know of the many different races and kingdoms of the land. His people were carries of goods, but of also knowledge. For to the Fultonus, they deemed Knowledge as something that should be treated with respect, and not abused It was during Darius's 24th year of Life that his life was forced into a different branch of fate then the one he was destined for. For this is where his memory that he can truly recall start. It was a cold day, to the lands to the west of the Holy Orenian Empire. Darius would wake up with a burning sensation on the left side of his face. It was partially submerged in water, and as he rose, opening his eye in pain, he saw his reflection in the water. The skin around his left eye and part of the bottom side of his face had been burned. He would then look around, noticing the pain in his leg, and would realize he was alone. All around him was carnage. All around him, carriages and tents were destroyed, bodies lay in snow and trampled grass, some burning, others smoldering. His mind ached, as he tried to remember what had happened, But he could only remember a few things. His name, That before he had been hurt he had seen a flash of light, His age, and a single Purpouse. To preserve Knowledge. He felt in his pocket, and found a singular book, quill, and bottle of ink. He opened the book and saw on the first page, a single word and definition. "Kori. Defenition- Hollow" And thus gave himself a full name. Darius Kori Fultonus, For his mind was Hollow. During his travels to figure his memory out, he began to hear what he assumed were the voices of those who had died, while he had lived. During his travels, he came into possesion of an cloak of sorts that helps with his travels, as well as fashioned himself a sort of mask to help hid the injury to his face. The symbols on his arm an unknown knowledge to him.
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