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Everything posted by Helgon

  1. Helgon


    Archados is the son of Volkbert and Ostara (now dead). His entire up bringing was a harsh one with abusive parents. He never wanted to feel weak ever again so when enough was enough, he joined the army at the age of 7 and trained to become stronger. He became great friends with another boy named Dankrad. They became such good friends that they would never leave each others sides. By the time that both were full fledged soldiers, the War of Three Kingdoms began. Both boys were strong and excited to fight for their kingdom. One day they were in the middle of a siege when a stray arrow struck Dankrad in the chest. He later died in Archados's arms. From that day forth Archados understood that he will always feel weak unless he got away from everything. The kingdoms, the people. He has been able to set up a home away from the kingdoms but because of his skill set as a warrior, he can never fully be left alone.
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