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  1. Foliagee


    Susgungar was born in the alps of the Holy Orenian Empire. he was born a peasant and is still a peasant. he struggles to communicate with women, because of an experience he had when he was little. he had a younger brother who drowned himself because he never learned to swim. his parents divorced after that, his father died in a HOE prison after being arrested for 30+ years of tax evasion. his mother left him in their home when he was a little boy, and never returned. he could never find out why, but he figures it's because she called him a pathetic little boy all his life. he was stuck learning at a monastery because no one else would take him in. here he became a devout follower of canonism. here he advocates for the spread of the church of the canon to all nations and races, but wont actually say that outloud. he left the monastery when he was 40, finally wanting to seek a deeper truth, and that's where my guy finishes
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