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    Fedrion Givyones
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  1. Lucretius


    Fedrion Was Born into a Farming Family in the Kingdom of Norland. As a Child he went to a nearby school. There, he learned how to read, and write. He also Learned about the surrounding kingdoms and their beliefs, and the kinds of people that lived there. Each Day after School He Would Run up and Down the Long Green Fields, stopping Every now and then to Examine a Rock, or a Creepy Crawly Squirming around in the Dirt. In Adolescense, His Father began giving him responsibilities around the Farm. From Tilling the Fields, to Sheering the Sheep, he always kept busy. He Learned to Embrace it, and enjoy the day to day tasks. His Mother Would Maintain their Little One Room Home during the Day, and she never failed to have a hot meal ready by the end of the day. Fedrion was content and Happy with this Life. He never really trusted anyone other than his parents, so there were no friends or lovers to worry about anyways. There were Several Winters filled with Struggle due to Crows Destroying the Crops Fedrion and his Father had Worked so Hard on. This caused Fedrion to develop a raging fear of crows, as they remind him of times of sheer hunger during the long, hungry winters. His Father never seemed to learn from this mistake though, and never put up a scarecrow. Once he Reached the age of 18, he left his family's farm and set out to start his own farm. No Friends, Little Money, but a raging passion to bring beauty to the empty fields out there with his green thumb.
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