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  1. Slothing


    When I was born I was apart of a small village east of the Kingdom of Norland. Growing up I was an only child raised by two middle class farmer parents. We lived a quiet life being the village's main supply of vegetables and animal meat. Growing up I had hard times in school and not many friends. A day after my 17th birthday the forest surrounding my village started to burn. To this day I still have no idea what caused it. Maybe it was some dumb kids or maybe it was natural... who knows. This was all happening when everyone was fast asleep. Awakening from my slumber I heard screams from across the hall from my parents room. I quickly ran out of my room to see their entire room ablaze. After trying and seeing if their was any way of helping I ran to my window and climbed out. Once I climbed completely out I saw many people fleeing, on fire, and crops being burnt. Attempting to help as much as I can I came to realization that it was over... everything was over. My life was changing. No more family, no more home, no more purpose. The next day after helping many people, going through debris, and contemplating life I realized I needed a fresh start away from everyone I know. That day I chose to go to the Kingdom of Norland to seek food, gold, and adventure.
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