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Everything posted by pruthes

  1. pruthes


    Leron was born in the outskirts of The Kingdom of Haense, where his father, a traveling preacher for the Holy Canonist Church, left Leron and his mother so he could "provide" for them. Growing up an only child, primarily alone with his mother, she taught him the importance of appreciating nature and the world around him. In his youth, his mother passed away in childbirth, and his sibling was lost. With his dad being a traveling preacher, Loren was intrigued by stories he was told in the few moments he got to see his father. Loren decided to leave shortly after his 18th birthday to pursue his traveling ambitions that he had been inspired from his father, where he would seek nature as a outlet for his troublesome childhood instead of a religious belief. Loren seeks to quietly explore the expanses of Almaris, learned more about the world around him after being sheltered for so long. He hopes to find answers and at some point a romantic partner to settle down and have the family he felt like he could never himself have.
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