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Everything posted by Sabina18May

  1. Sabina18May


    Born in a family of two high elves, Iris had somewhat of a peaceful childhood living in Haelun’or. Her appearance was praised and her skills or better said lack of skills wasn’t commented on much at the beginning which made her enjoy hanging out with friends and exploring the surroundings, not stressing about the future. Her family had a fair amount of wealth and could afford to have others take care of the house and raise their child. No doubt that Iris was spoiled when she was young but the distance between her and her parents was noticeable even from an outsider’s view. But since good things come and go, when her youngest years passed and she turned 13, expectations started to rise higher and higher, and her parents, once happy with their daughter, started to look down upon her. Since others did everything for Iris, chores seemed impossible to finish alone and she never once stepped into the kitchen. As her parents grew concerned for her future and worried because the child they have even as a high elf would only ruin their name. When Iris was 15 she finally understood the dirty looks she’d get from everyone and that’s when she began to read and learn more about the world. She slowly started having more hobbies and getting interested in magic and nature with frequent trips to the Eternal Library but even if she knew the theory, practice never went as planned. As years passed the riches they had started to get thinner and thinner until finally they couldn’t afford to live in their house and moved into a small cabin near the city. Some blamed Iris, others said it’s the whole family’s fault but her parents decided to finally take a weight off their shoulders and so they never once let Iris inside their home again. At 25 with no more place to call home and no one to help, she’s left alone to travel and finally start learning how to do things in her own way and perhaps, in the long run, become someone who others can look up to.
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