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Everything posted by FireStar305

  1. FireStar305


    Darius Alexander Andros was born to a pair of unknown parents in the wilderness of a local forest, having grown up around animals, he's not afraid to be confrontational, as well as being a generally stoic man. Darius worked the odd job every once and a while, collecting things for employers that he believed were greedy and ignorant idiots. Though Darius's life turned around when he met a young man by the name of Lex, who devoted himself to the trade of farming. Darius though eventually splits from this man, due to an argument that ended with both men not seeing eye to eye. Darius from that point onwards mostly worked alone, though the occasionally help was appreciated (mostly) and eventually he was able to purchase a nice new Fur Coat, that now rests upon his shoulders. Now at the Age of 48, Darius wishes to do some final things in his life, and eventually retire, though he knows that still quite far off from where he is now.
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