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  1. FutileShark


    Xail Tinkerman was born into a middle class family near the outskirts of the Holy Orenian Empire. When he was born he had monocular vision and was much weaker than other newborn babies. Through his life growing up he was always bullied and made fun of because of his frail body and monocular vision, but the bullying had led him to hate violence. Xail had a urge to learn about new things after he turned 4 years old which made him love to study and read a lot more than an average child. When he was 9 years old he had made a few friends that would defend him and were much stronger than him, but one of these friends was Alexander, who was 2 years younger than Xail but stronger than him. When he was 13, his family non-officially adopted Alexander after a misfortunate accident had killed his parents. His intelligence was above many people that he had met and this intelligence led him to multiple experiments .Throughout his next years until he turned 25, Xail's eyesight in his right eye started to worsen leading to him creating goggles that would help his eye's vision and protect both of his eyes from his experiments. He has now arrived in a new city, stepping off the boat to research more things about the world.
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