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    StickHen Lee#8003
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  1. locotello


    Leon was born in the winter solstice. He was an only child. His parents Lia and Lionel were kicked out of the small agricultural community in which they lived in for reasons never fully explained to Leon. Leons parents decided to settle deep in the wilderness, where they built a small log-cabin that would serve as Leons home for all of his life. Lionel, his father, taught Leon how to survive, because he knew how dangerous the world outside really was, and wanted to guarantee Leon had the knowledge to make it on his own. His mother, Lia, was keen to educate Leon, and pass on all the knowlede she had, no matter how limited it actually was. Leons parents were the only people he has ever come in contact with, until one cold winter night, when he had just turned 13 years of age, when both of his parents became very ill. No matter how hard he tried, they would not get better, and eventually they both died. Leon had wished he died that winter, because the years to come would be the most difficult of his life. Not only did the young Leon have to gather resources and hunt to survive, but he also had to face the tragic reality of living completely isolated for many years. Even though this was extremely hard for him, it made him a strong, resilient young-man, who believed that good could only come through hard work. He knew that being lazy meant not surviving. Leon grew extremely fond of nature, to the point where he worshiped the environment and the animals around him. He grew a deep respect and understanding of the environment which was the only thing he had come in contact with after his parents died. Even though he did not know the names of the thing he ate, gathered and killed, because he lacked a former education, he intrinsically knew the characteristics of everything that surrounded him. When he turned 18, 5 winters after the death of his parents, he became very ill. He became wearry that he had gotten the illness that killed both of his parents. He knew that if he stayed in his home, his illness would eventually kill him, but his drive to survive made him strong enough to leave his home once and for all and seek help. He remembered the stories his mother told him, of the great and vast Holy Orenian Empire, of the bustling cities and people of this land, and he kew that it was exactly where he needed to go, to find help to cure his illness, and to finally insert himseld back into society. This will be a long journey for Leon. But the time to leave his old life behind him has finally come. He is eager and willing to learn new things, and apply his deep knowledge of the wilderness into life in society.
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