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  1. FrozenRanger269


    Riley Wilson was born in a small camp away from people as his friends and family were merchants and traders. They grew up away from the big cities so they could have enough land and space to set up the Wilson trade business. Riley didnt really know his mother as she died at birth, and his father left them to start a new family. Riley had been living with his grandfather and he was tought everything his grandfather knew. The camp that was located on the outskirts of the Holy Orenian Empire had finished by the time Riley was 16. His grandfather grew old while riley had to take over the manual labour aspect of the business. His grandfather sadly passed away when riley was 20. Riley couldnt cope being alone so he decided to venture around trying to find people to start up trade businesses with. By the age of 22 Riley was in his prime and thats where the story will begin.
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