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Posts posted by eviea

  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/214651-elynas-disappearance-a-journey/?tab=comments#comment-1926668


    To be a ruler one shall know what it's like to be a commoner under a ruler.

    Elyna Constance de Ravensburg
    The missive would be written with ink, and there would be drops of what seemed to be dried tears spreading the ink around in certain places of the missive.

    "Dear Friends and Family, I have been away for a while. It has almost been a saint year, and I deeply miss all of my close ones. Fear you not, I have had many unique experiences at the Academy, and there are people around me who have me in focus. They watch every step I take and every move I make, to ensure that I learn. My time here has been nothing but valuable for me, and it will truly change my etiquette, so I hope."

    There'd be a part scribbled out. "I sh**l only hope t**y are good e**ugh for me to marry t** one I de***y miss" just about enough for one to be unable to read it, but yet catch some words.

    "The time for me to give you a short description of what I've done has come, and I apologize for waiting half a saint year to send out an update to friends and family. I have learned a lot, such as when to approach someone, how to introduce myself- In which matter I've learned that using my title isn't always the best move, depending on the introduction you wish to show - I even had a royal dinner last night with a few other girls in the Academy, we got served dragon meat and a few other extinct things, but my favorite part of the royal dinner was when our tutors played roles of a Royal Family, and we got to experience how a royal dinner works when you get invited to one."

    There'd be a small arrow hinting for you to flip the missive.

    "I love it here, and the things I learn will come with me all my life. Our titles don't mean anything here, as we live the life of a commoner, and I believe that is a very important lesson that multiple of my friends and family also could use. I shall never forget how low I must curtsy, nor will I ever forget how to properly speak of someone's titles. If you see this, and I insulted you in any way- know it will not happen ever again upon my return. I shall be home soon, friends and family. Yours, Elyna Constance."

    The writing would end with a fashionable signature, signed with her first and middle name.

  2. 1 minute ago, Based1Salmon said:

    I hope you do realize that alot of this process of based off of historical courtship and perhaps there are also other reasons besides your lack of protocal that this courtship was called off, but hey

    I dont judge

    Im a fish


    Again - not on about my courtship in specific I just feel like LOTC should have a clearer guide from area to area, maybe even a global one simply explaining what, how and why for new people whom aren't naturals to it.

  3. 7069ac73593f4bf8870e4b1ffa0ab28b.jpg
    i love timothée chalamet

    Courtship prior to marriage is ment to be something you remember.
    The structure of courtship in LOTC varies from house to house, person to person and so on. The creation and end of a courtship also varies from house to house, person to person and so on. I believe we should have a set guide on the run of courtships, and not mouth to mouth word travel of how things should be done as that can clear things up not only for new players but also players whom seem to not be aware of how courtships are done. 

    From what I understood when I first got into the whole courtship situation, was that only father's had to approve. Something that turned out to not be the case. I turned a corner when I lost my courtship, as I had no idea even in the slightest that a mother figure had rights to approve and deny just as much as a father figure. You may say, 'well that's no excuse; you still lost it' and you're very much right. I held my main priority on being accepted by said person's father, as I thought that was the only thing that mattered in the long run. I've never been good at titles, addressing, knowing where to stand and what to say and alike. I truly think for someone to be taught, especially if they began playing a character at an age for a suitable courtship, how a courtship works is a huge necessity for a courtship to work. 

    Surely, not everyone would seek to find an issue in the current system of courting, but for those who do, let these be words one shall remember. Never take anyone for granted, especially not if they bear your courtier's last name.
    This is where I'd normally slide a **She'd scoff. 

    I don't normally debate topics, nor ask for anything to be added as I'm more of the "Oh, a poll I wish for to be voted on," then await for someone else to act. The only issue I'm having about this is I can't justify to wait around, as it shouldn't be that hard to have a simple guide explaining how courtship works, with rules such as Royals not being able to marry a Commoner and alike. However it has to be rules everyone agrees upon, regardless of character(s) they play. 

    Understanding how courtship works is probably the most confusing thing about LOTC as of current, and although there are many people whom seem to be naturals at this.

    Below you'll see a few different people answering this question:

    If you were to explain how courtship works, regardless of gender between characters, how would you describe it to a new player?




    More to be added I'm waiting for responses from people.

    What I'm trying to get at with this post, as a summary and as an explanation if something seems unclear, is we need a proper guide from area to area in LOTC explaining these points:
    Basic rules, addressing their parents, and other family members, depending on ranks/titles and greeting them.
    The structure of how a courtship actually begins, goes on, how it's done and how it's ended - moved to engagement / marriage.
    Courtship 101, covering what courtship means, what it is for, why we have it, who can court who and what the structure of courtship normally is and exceptions that can be made to circumstances.

    Even then there is much more to be covered, I as a returning old but yet new player find all of this super confusing and when over 25 people all give different answers I don't know what to believe.

    That's all, thank you.


  4. Se kildebildet
    Elyna Constance de Ravensburg

    One journey is the beginning of a lifetime of journeys.

    Prior to sunrise, Elyna could be seen packing down the library of Sedan, then removing access to it by barricading the door. 
    A recent turn of events in Elyna's life caused her to be sent off for an Academy, in order to learn proper etiquette and re-gather her manners, so she could be a proper noble. During this trip she will be taught royal dinners, how to introduce herself, and more importantly . . how to address others. No one knew how long this trip would last, as she was to return when the Academy deemed her a proper noble. She was seen stuffing clothes down into her bag as her friend Enmeline helped her pack her items and her bag on to the horse. She raised her hand and waved everyone goodbye, before handing out hugs to those she decided was worthy of one. After hugging goodbye to her closest, and waving to the rest, she mounted her horse and took to the lead. "I shall be back soon, I will dearly miss every single one of you." She spoke, a smile with eyes full of tears to the small crowd that had formed of her friends and family outside of Sedan before she took her leave, riding off into the sunrise and on her way to her journey to become a better wearer of her noble title, and not to mention last name.

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