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Everything posted by Arathar

  1. Arathar


    Arathar grew up on the streets of Athera. He lived in a poor home with his mother and his brother. His mother was a farmer and his father had never been seen. Every night they would go out to the street with his brother and gather what they could, trying to stay warm and get by. He learned to fight. He wanted to make a better life for himself and his family. One day, Arathar and his brother had an argument they got into a fight and then his brother left. Arathar followed his brother and then he saw three thug trying to kidnap his brother he tried to fight but they were much stronger. he got unconscious and the last thing he remember was the voice of a guard and by the time he got up his brother was gone. After that, he has decided to travel the world, seeking out adventure and money. He believed one day he will find his lost brother.
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