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Everything posted by Darqbeard

  1. Darqbeard


    Apologies for the brief descriptions above character limit meant I had to be careful with what i said. Angus is the youngest of 3 sons. His brothers; Bremen, Axol and Igorian are all remarkable stone masons and smiths in their own rights, each teaching Angus something they had learned while he was young. Angus loved his brothers dearly and respected them and his father for their own unique ways of smelting and working with metals. A trait and craft he adored and hung onto as a child. He would offer to help at any opportunity and relished any time he spent in the forge. Stories where always told of his lineage's history of the pieces of art and genius that Starbreaker created and to this day are worshipped as masterpieces. To Angus these where dreams he wished to create, to learn and master his own craft and to oneday create a mastercraft or a few of his own and embody his forefathers with as much pride as he can muster. A childs dream perhaps, but even in adulthood that dream burnt as strong as any forge. Growing up was tough however, being energetic and having such a large dream made him unpopular and prone to bullying which sullied his mood. Although Angus was soft at heart his exterior grew into more of a cold obsidian to brush off any beatings that may come his way. In part it toughened Angus, but he always felt alone and unloved bar from his family. Education in smithing and runesmithing was among the best of his age, self defence and fighting technique fell slightly shorter. Everything else Angus struggled with, struggled may be the wrong term...more had no interest in learning. His efforts where 100% directed to his smithery and stonework as every smith worth his metal needed to know how to build, repair and work their own forge. Angus would often bring trouble to his own doorstep, sneaking into closed mines, venturing too far into dangerous depths in search for rare materials to work with where some of the mischief he would get upto. but his heart was always in the right place.
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