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Everything posted by Dinatch

  1. Dinatch


    He was born in Karinah'siol from very strict parents which were obsessed by the purity of the race. His father was an architect of small buildings outside the city and the mother stayed at home and, at free time, did some artistic works. Unfortunatly for his parents Aclaí'orion wasn't interested at all both in architecture and in art. He studied in many accademies and reached high achivments especially in scientific and rethoric camp. Thank to the parents, who encoragued his ambition and pride, his personality growed quickly and competion with others elves was, for at least one decade, the spring of his life. He met a genuine friend only at 22, an elf who helped him a lot, especially in the psicological point of view and was vital in reducing the great amount of stress and pressure of Aclaí'orion. One day suddenly the elf disappeared but Aclaí'orion is hopefully that he will see him again beacuse no one ever was so important to him. After entering in the war accademy he started to shift his attitude and moved away from his parents. Even without having any particoular skill in this ambient Aclaí'orion studied for 3 years and ended with a pretty good theoric knowledge of war. At age of 29 he started to leave the capital for more and more long periods and reached places like New Providence. And we arrived at current days, his pride remain and the contatc with parents is almost gone. Aclaí'orion is young and a world of opportunities is waiting for him.
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