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Everything posted by Bobbington

  1. Bobbington


    Flip was born on an Island far North named Thim Faldir to a loving mother and father. He was the middle child of his 2 siblings. His older brother was his rock, looking out for him, protected him when the caves were flooding. After that flood, he hated being cooped up inside the mine and loved to bask in the sun, this led to many arguments between his parents and his brother on his behalf. One night he overheard them and was devastated, but his parents never claimed to have spoken these words. Many years later, with these emotions still snowballing, Flip didn't take any care with the people around him and accidentally shoved someone in the mines, the person turned around and started yelling, luckily his brother came to the rescue and got in the way, emotions spiralled and there was a brawl, causing blades to fly and his brother to get cut, days passed and his sickness increased. Terrified at losing his brother, over something that he did, over his frustration with his parents, he set out down South to civilisation to find the cure for his ailment, but this was something to just keep him busy as he knew that he was doomed to fail, so his main objective down South was to find someone to fill that gaping hole in his heart. He settled down in the closest thing to home he could call, a settlement named Aegis.
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