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Everything posted by Yaegger

  1. Yaegger


    Arthur was born just at the end of the Andrean Period, within the kingdom of Hanseti-ruska. his childhood wasn't easy as the war (The two Emperor's war) caused his family (Like many people) To become poor and hungry. However they stayed strong... Working what they could. Arthur's family was much too poor to afford any education for him to learn or make anyfriends friends, Luckily there were the other neighbour-hood poor kids, otherwise he would have gone mad with hate. Arthurs parents were both educated, so it made it easy for Arthur to be home schooled. Arthur's father was a human with black hair while his mother was a elf with beautiful white hair, Arthur was always reminded about the trouble they faced to get married from both sides. Arthur's dream had always been to help the poor when he was young, spending in his teenage years he spent his time doing hard labor and playing with the orphans around Hanseti-Ruska. Now, is in his twenties he has chosen to explore the land, hoping to find more lost souls and help them on their journey, learning any techniques and trades he could along the way.
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