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Everything posted by 8bitgunner

  1. 8bitgunner


    When Velulia Orilar was born, everything was fine and normal for her parents, Turial Orilar and Cerumonn Orilar. Cerumonn was a harsh father, but Velulia didn't exactly mind that much, as following rules came easy. Turial was possibly the best mother she could ask for, as she was kind and caring for her father. Whenever he was wounded, she took care of him with pride, and taught Velulia the basics of herbal medicine. Sadly, her father died while serving the Order of the White Rose and ended up with her mother becoming a widow and isolating herself. Velulia spent the time after that taking care of both her and Turial, and Turial ended up dying of an unknown cause inside of her own bedroom. Once this happened, Velulia had an accident over the fire she was cooking and set the rest of kitchen on fire, burning her own house down with everything she had ever known inside of it. She has lived in the woods ever since, by a campfire and a hammock, just surviving on foraged plants.
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