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Everything posted by Reiiscool

  1. Reiiscool


    Rei was born inside of a hospital in Manchester, England. When she was little her father had passed away, as he had been assassinated. Her mother was devastated. She wouldn't leave the house. Rei was the youngest out of 9 children. All 8 other children were boys, so they all grew up to be trained as knights. As Rei grew up she examined how the boys would train. During the night she would go to the training field and copy their moves. One night, one of her oldest brothers caught her training, he was impressed with how much she had known so he challenged her. Obviously he beat her, but she asked him if he would teach her everything he knows. He agreed, so she trained every night. During the day though, Rei was a flower picker. She was the most sweetest person in town. Always helping out elders, bringing cookies to people and flowers. In her free time she would go out into the woods and write. She had a favorite tree that she sat under. One day while she was writing under the tree her town was attacked. She saw the smoke from the forest and booked it to her town. On her way back she noticed someone running away from the town, it was her mother. Her mother made it out alive, so she ran up to her mother and stopped her. Rei's mother looked at her and said "Run, as far as you can and as quick as you can. I love you" Then ran away from Rei leaving Rei speachless. Rei did what she was told. She ran. Until she made shelter far far from her home. She was not looking forward to the next day...as she'd be celebrating her 18th birthday alone...
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